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Avon Clean Energy Commission Minutes 04/07/2010

                                          AVON CLEAN ENERGY COMMISSION
APRIL 7, 2010
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Olivier Gressier in the Avon Room, Building 1 Town Hall.  Members present: Chairman Olivier Gressier, Robert Martin, Bernard Zahren, James DiPace and Martin Kaplan.  Members absent: Linda Meyers and Brett Eisenlohr.  Advisory members present: Giorgina Paiella and Diane Zhao. Advisory member absent: John Craig.  Also in attendance were staff member and Town Clerk Ann Dearstyne, Campaign Director for Clean Water Action and Clean Water Fund Roger Smith, and Editor of Avon Life Magazine Natalie Pollock.
Mr. Zahren motioned, Mr. Kaplan seconded and all agreed to accept the March 3rd minutes as presented. Chairman Gressier abstained as he was absent from the previous meeting.
Mr. Smith attended the meeting to provide information to Commissions such as this in order to help towns help each other with crafting their own energy plans. More information can be found on the website
IV. OLD BUSINESS: a. Committee Reports, b. Town Website, c. April Town Council Meeting
Chairman Gressier discussed the various committees’ reports. Ms. Paiella and Ms. Zhao spoke about their activities at the High School. They have posted signs around the school promoting the competition but are having to wait to make the announcement over the intercom. Ms. Paiella has published an article in the school newspaper about the competition and they are also currently working on the Keep CT Cool competition as well. They added that the school is very efficient as is and are having a little difficulty finding areas to reduce energy use. They continue to communicate with staff to raise awareness as they have the most control.
Mr. Gressier questioned if any of the schools were reporting their numbers (meter readings). Ms. Dearstyne added that she hoped the schools were keeping a count as she hadn’t received any information. Mr. Gressier said the Middle School had some creative ideas such as one day a week of “green lunch” whereby the kitchen would not do any cooking. Mr. Martin suggested that the contest be held again in the future and that this is just not the only time. Mr. Zahren added that this was the whole idea and that is to raise awareness that affects behavior. Mr. Gressier asked that the members follow up with their schools. Mr. Kaplan recommended the students research grants that are offered by the Student Conservation Association.
Mr. DiPace reported great progress at the Thompson Brook School and he’s hoping to validate the savings with the numbers. He did express his concerns that the Vice Principal may be having trouble with the meters but that he was extremely encouraged and hoped to spread the effort district wide. Mr. Gressier added that he felt the numbers were not as important as the behavior it could change. Ms. Pollock will be meeting with Mr. DiPace next week to discuss the Thompson Brook School’s efforts.
Mr. Gressier asked Mr. Smith what sorts of methodologies he’d seen that worked to nurture continued enthusiasm in green energy in his town. Mr. Smith said his town of West Hartford achieved success by sponsoring a contest twice throughout the school year and daily publishing the numbers. The thread is continued with a campaign to promote recycling this year. Prizes are offered to the schools that get the best results. He also added that the contest parameters were up to each school and that an award of a solar panel helps to serve as a visual reminder of efforts to achieve the most energy efficiency.
Mr. Gressier next discussed the energy plan. Ms. Dearstyne said she had received one response to the RFP and the closing would be April 14th. She also said she had received several calls inquiring about dollar amounts to which the members agreed would not be disclosed. Mr. Smith said they are waiting to hear from the State about the regional grant and added that the smaller block grants have been given out to 143 towns and Avon should have received theirs. Ms. Dearstyne discussed the RFP process. The submittals will be opened and a few selected for further interviews. The staff and two members from the Commission will be heavily involved. Mr. Martin volunteered to assist Mr. Gressier with the task. Everyone will be able to review the choices. The fees will be opened later and a decision made then or more interviews will take place. Mr. Martin and Mr. Gressier agreed to meet April 15th, 8:00 AM to open the RFPs.
No Outreach report was given.
Mr. Zahren discussed his report as the energy liaison. He said there were many grant bits and pieces to be had but cautioned that no one knew if the money would be available as the State was looking to drain the funds from the Clean Energy and Energy Efficiency Funds to offset budget deficits. Mr. Smith offered news that the funds were safe for now. He said the current bill had been amended so much that the funds were safe but that the State was looking to add a tax to our electric bills. He also added that the Federal stimulus money was still available and it was to supplement funds and not supplant them so ours would be safe as long as that money (CFF, EEF) was there. Mr. Zahren received many thank- yous for the letters sent to the State in an effort to keep those funds secure. He added that the State’s current budget deficit is $500,000,000.00 and that next year’s was projected to be $2 billion. Mr. Smith urged the towns to be vocal to our representatives to make sure these funds are not raided.
Mr. Smith shared some resource materials he brought with him. He is currently working on a Senate bill 463 to create a Connecticut solar power initiative to build enough solar power systems to power the equivalent of 100,000 homes. The bill would create incentives for both residential and commercial use: to install solar systems on roofs, building freestanding systems on brownfields and landfills, purchase Connecticut made hot water and solar systems and offer training opportunities. He also cited collecting special taxes to locally fund solar initiatives – a PACE – Property Assessed Clean Energy bond where monies are lent to property owners to finance energy retrofits and then repaid over an assessment period on their tax bills. Mr. Gressier cautioned that our limited funds prevent the Commission from getting spread too thin but instead should concentrate on a few pursuits we can attain. Mr. Smith added that his function was to work at the State level to provide information to groups such as this.
Mr. Gressier had hoped Mr. Eisenlohr could attend this meeting to discuss the 20% by 2010 and getting to the 1000 points. He asked Mr. Eisenlohr to work on the Earth Day celebration for the Town and will e-mail the members the information he’d received from him. Mr. Gressier would like to use Earth Day to get more sign-ups. There will also be a Farmington Valley Trails Clean Up Day that day. Mr. Zahren hoped to get a clearer version of the clean energy sign up form – to promote changing to a clean energy supplier. Mr. Smith offered materials for home use and also said they are looking for an RFP to get the best rate and energy efficiency supplier. Mr. Gressier looks forward to the material Mr. Smith can provide.
Ms. Dearstyne relayed Mr. Eisenlohr’s efforts to get better coverage on the Town website to display the Commission’s efforts but said space is very limited, and for now, information and links to other sites would have to be provided on the Commission’s homepage. She said the Library is the web master and requests need to go through them.
Chairman Gressier asked for suggestions for his presentation to the Town Council at their April 8th meeting. He’d like to discuss the Commission’s efforts thus far (grants in 2009) and plans for the future. He’d also like to mention getting energy efficiency to the forefront in municipal new building or renovation projects. Mr. Martin would like him to mention our efforts to secure a regional Energy Manager and the schools’ energy contest. He also suggested having Mr. Smith speak before the Town Council. This can be discussed at a later date. Unfortunately, time to speak is very limited.
V. NEW BUSINESS: a. Municipal Climate Summit – Bernie
Mr. Zahren discussed his recent attendance at the Municipal Climate Summit. Ms. Lynn Stoddard ran the session, which he found very valuable, and has been in contact with her since then. He hoped to find out exactly what the Town could do as this was sponsored by the Governor. She responded that we could: 1) recycle, 2) improve transportation efficiency, 3) land use, or 4) purchase local foods, and others as well. She’d like us to pick three and focus on those. Mr. Zahren said we could incorporate her ideas into our energy plan. He said they had ambitious goals: reduce greenhouse emissions, become more energy reliable, sustainable and greener. Mr. Smith provided a website where this information can be found: CT Climate A town can insert what they’re doing and compare to other towns. He suggested determining scope, thinking strategically, looking for support and focusing where you can make progress and build from there. Mr. Gressier emphasized that we need to focus on our priorities.
Mr. Martin asked where we stood compared with energy efforts in other states. Regionally, Mr. Smith responded that we are at the forefront in terms of outreach. He said ninety seven towns are willing to pay a little more for clean energy. He added that we should be proud.
Mr. Kaplan spoke of the existing 2006 Planning & Community Development Plan that speaks to the various projects in Town – the Library, Fire Department and Town Green - but that it fails to include an energy plan. He said that Mr. Eisenlohr was to speak to Mr. Kushner to find out if he and the Commission could meet to discuss incorporating energy goals into this plan.
Ms. Paiella and Ms. Zhao announced an Eco Night to be held May 7th. Mr. DiPace suggested they make a Town announcement.

Mr. Zahren motioned, Mr. Martin seconded and all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 PM. None opposed.
                                                                        Respectfully submitted:
                                                                        Chairman Olivier Gressier
Attest: Susan Gatcomb, Clerk